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Services RT Offers
Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD)
Adaptive Equipment Billing, Adult Day Services, Career Planning, Group Employment Support, Homemaker Personal Care, Home Modification/Billing, Individual Employment Support, Non-Medical Transportation and Vocational Habilitation
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Career Exploration, Community-Based Assessment (CBA), Instruction in Self-Advocacy, Intake, Job Development, Job Exploration, Job Readiness Training (non & school based), Job Seeking Skills, On-The-Job Supports, Self-Employment Services, Summer Youth (Career Exploration & Work Experience), Supported Employment, Job Development, Transportation, Work Adjustment, Work-Based Learning, and Workplace Readiness Training
Empowering for a lifetime of success!

RT receives payment for services rendered through local, state and federal tax dollars.
Center of Medicaid regulates rates for services.
Ohio's governor approves allotted funding for DD services.
DODD allocates and approves individual funding use.
County Board of DD matches 40% of funds approved for services rendered.
General contracts with businesses for services rendered.
Local grants, fundraisers, and donations.
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